Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The LibraryThing

Thing Eleven

The LibraryThing
Originally uploaded by techshy
LibraryThing would be a great site for those who have a large collection of books at home and wanted to catalog their books, sort them by subjects, or share their collection with others. Using LibraryThing , I could access other people's catalog who share similar reading tastes and discover recommendations of books to read. The ratings and reviews would also help me decide if I wanted the books before purchasing them, which would be useful for personal or school-related purchases. I am already excited because as I was adding books to my catalog I discovered one of my favorite authors is publishing a new book. It is Where Are You Now? by Mary Higgins Clark. Can't wait until March 2008!!


Midnight said...

When playing with LibraryThing, I wasn't too excited about creating the catalog of my books because I know I won't keep it up to date. However, I like your idea of using it as a source to get reviews,so I will know whether or not i would like a certain book.

mmw said...

I like that idea too. Sometimes there just isn't anything on the bestseller list that appeals to me. LibraryThing is a great place to find "read-alikes" for books that I've already read and enjoyed.

Debbie said...

You're doing great! Keep it up! I like Mary Higgins Clark also.