Thursday, December 20, 2007
Library Web 2.0
Library 2.0 is an upcoming model for libraries that allow users to have a more active role in the day-to-day operation of the library, giving the patrons the ability to shape libraries of the future. To me, it sounds like a democracy is being created between the librarian, the members of the community and the library users. The patrons are encouraged to give feedback on book selections, technology and operational procedures of the library. I do feel that most libraries today have evolved from the "traditional, one-directional offerings" as stated in the
Library 2.0 article from Wikipedia to a more user-friendly one. I know that other librarians and I provide the faculty and students the opportunity to fill out questionnaires on materials needed. Also, I try to listen to students' and teachers' requests and interests so that I can make purchases according to their needs and the requirements of the curriculum. Teachers are given a library evaluation form, providing the chance to suggest ways to improve the library so that it meets their needs and the students. The MISD online catalog also allows for suggestions or questions to the librarian. Students and community members have access to the district's and school's web page, offering access to databases and the online catalog of books.
In Librarian's 2.0 Manifesto, many of us already "go where users are" by visiting classrooms and the computer lab. Also, we are already "an active participant in moving my library forward" by completing the "23 Things." Therefore, I think the Mesquite libraries are moving toward the future with our blog, web page, the completion of the "23 Things," and the inclusion of students' and teachers' participation and suggestions. However, thoughts still need to be given to the privacy of the librarian and its users and not force them in to joining MySpace, Facebook and other networks that can invade or compromise their privacy and personal space.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Tagging and Social Bookmarking and Furl are two social bookmarking sites that offer a way to organize, store, or discover web bookmarks from other users. Since they are sites that collectively organizes bookmarks through tagging, users can view bookmarks from other users with similar interests or read their comments on the article. Thus, making research possibly easier by searching other users' stored web pages and seeing how they also tagged the information.
One aspect of Furl that is beneficial is it "privately archives a complete copy of the html of each web page that a user bookmarks." This allows one access to the article researched even if it has been modified, removed from the web site, or if the web site is down. While researching, I can recall a couple of times that this archival feature would have been assisted me when an earlier article I wanted to use could not be accessed or located. Also, several times students have researched one day and returned the next day at a loss where to locate the previously used article. Since so many middle school students are poor note takers and fail to properly cite the source, Furl would be an advantage to libraries. Therefore, creating bookmarks and improving the accessibility of articles in personal or library research are advantages of social bookmarking. My problem is finding the time to do it.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Social Networking
This was a very time-consuming, thought-provoking "Thing" for me. As an educator, I guess it is important to know about social networking, since it has become a raging teen fad, and many of the students probably have a MySpace profile. Even though these networks may help one learn about the interests and social aspects of our students or help one find a friend with similar personality traits, I see no educational value in them. There are too many controversial, privacy and moral issues surrounding these networks. Nearly every day there is an article in the news or the newspaper of some child or adult who has fallen prey to some deranged individual who had access to private information posted in his profile. As Jacquielynn Floyd stated in her editorial in DMN, "I am genuinely surprised that so many people wish to share their photos, likes and dislikes and personal preferences in so public a setting, as if they were renting billboards." If I had to give a reason why I would like these networks, I guess it would be the contact one could have to family and friends, but I am perfectly happy using email or the phone. The useful feature feature might be having contacts with similar social interests, but I still would not want to see these sites as part of a library or educational purpose. I personally would not want to be responsible for any legal issues that might occur. Therefore, I am extremely hesitant and having a difficult time joining one of these social networks, but I guess I must to receive credit for "Thing 12." As Ms. Floyd stated, for a culture that seems to "cherish individual privacy, we certainly seem to be in a hurry to throw it away."
Here is my link to my Facebook Profile.
I was unable to access Ning, the school-related groups on Ning, or the Mesquite Librarians Ning Network due to the override. It was blocked due to pornography, nudity, etc. I have been very hesitant to join these groups, but I guess I am required to receive credit. I tried at home and saw a different link than at school. I am now a reluctant member of the Ning Network and Facebook.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
The LibraryThing
Friday, November 30, 2007
Image Generators
I played with the happy face, custom sign and comic strip generators. They are a little more user friendly than the other "Things." These generators could be used in the library web page or a library/school newsletter. Students could also use them to promote books they have read. They could create a sign of their favorite book with a couple of catchy phrases to hopefully encourage other students to read the book.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Are you a Lone Star Reader?
Here is my happy face generator.
Take a chance at reading. Check out the Lone Star section of the library.
Reading makes me happy!!
Read to enrich your life. Visit the library to check out your favorite book.
Reading makes me happy!!
Originally uploaded by
On the Road to Success
The Happy Face and the Custom Sign Generators were my favorite to create. I also found many of the happy face images availabe through the Comic Strip. These image generators could be used in our library web page or a newsletter. The generators could also be used by the students to post signs with a couple of brief sentences promoting their favorites. I found this Thing to be one of the more enjoyable ones to complete.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Finding Feeds
I found the Topix feed the easiest to use. I enjoyed being able to search for news items from a particular city's name, by state, or by topic. I wish I had known about this in the past because I have had, on occasion, teachers inquire about news items from past issues of the newspapers. The Google Blog Search was one of my favorites. I guess since Google is used more by me and in the library by the students this one would be my first choice. This feed and Google Reader would be less time- consuming if the librarians had access without the override. I also tried to create a Google Alert but have not succeeded. I have not been able to receive a Google verification. The Feedster was under construction when I previewed it the second time, but what I have seen I think I would like it. I enjoy searching in feeds that include newsworthy information. Technorati is the more confusing and difficult to me, and I do not have the patience nor the time to tinker with it.
I liked School Library Blogs on Suprglu because it gave me easy access to school library-related articles. One I found interesting was the Young Hoosier Award Book Site. It provided a list of questions that teachers can use for book discussions or book reports. I have also included this in my shared items. I will be happy when I learn how to remove some of the shared items I do not want on my blog. I have tried various ways, and they refuse to delele or "unshare."
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
RSS Reader

I think RSS reader will make searching for information from the internet much easier. Once a RSS feed or newsreader is created all my loved web sites will come to me with updated information on my favorite topics. I have no personal friends or family members that have blogs, but I guess this could be one way to share information and keep current with my Mesquite librarian bloggers.
I am not for sure how I would use this in the library. I thought it might be useful as a way to build an information system so that teachers and students could have easy access to researcharticles or items that are in the news that might grab their interest or attention. Also, RSS might provide an online connection to school-related research from home. Students could then have online learning through homeschooling. This seems similar to the class projects page or the pathfinders that the other librarians and I use. Since class periods are so short, it would give students quick access to information, saving them valuable research time.
Posted by techshy at
Posted by techshy at 9:15 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 29, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Google Alert
I have set up a Google Alert, but I am waiting for my verification. Hopefully, the problem will soon be resolved I have chosen to be alerted about books for the library. This would be a great way to receive updates on upcoming and new young adult novels for the library. This could also provide current news on events or people that my classes are researching in the library. I also have a home page on iGoogle. This is just a fun way to gather any information that interests me, or educational information that would be useful to the students or teachers. The Google calendar would be similar to the localendar that I currently use on my web page to inform the faculty and the students when they are scheduled for a library visit.
The link to visit my iGoogle home page is
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Flickr Mashups
This was a time-consuming task for me. I tried downloading a picture from Photobucket, but each time I hit the create button no card appeared. After an hour or so of frustration, I was finally successful with Flickr. This would be a good tool to make reading posters for the library or trading cards of the students with their favorite books. I could also probably adapt the tool to create bookmarks.
Spook Up a Good Book
browsing the shelves for a scary book.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Discover Flickr
This was a very stressful number 5. With no written instructions to follow, this assignment took a lot of time. I am now stressed to the max and could use a visit to the lake. I would then sit on the porch in a comfortable lounge chair and throw Flickr into the peaceful water. Hopefully, then, I could relax again and have a stress-free time without technology barking at my backdoor.
Vacation Spot
How nice it would be to have this view every day from your backyard!! I love being at the lake, but to have the water and the mountains at the same time would be heaven. It would be so relaxing.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Register Your Blog
There are several ways that a blog can be used in the library. One way
is to announce the new materials available to the teachers and students.
I could provide up-to-date information on events occurring in the library,
such as book fairs,teen read week, or information on library promotions.
A blog could be used for librarians to share ideas for new books or ones
that their students enjoyed reading. Also, a blog could be useful in making
suggestions of databases, books, or materials beneficial to classroom
Monday, October 22, 2007
Create a Blog/Avatar
What a lifesaver!! Anne walked me through the steps of posting my avatar. Becky Frierson and I were thankful she remembered, since Debbie was busy helping the other librians. I now have it on my blog. I am ready to proceed to thing 4.
Thing One and Thing Two
The hardest challenge for me is learning a new technology skill. I have little confidence in my ability to learn new skills on the computer, but I hope to use this to my advantage, learn a new skill, and then try to teach it to my students or teachers.
The easiest thing will be accepting responsibility for my own learning. I will face the challenge, do my best, and hopefully complete this new challenge by February 1, 2008.